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Messaggio Da Deianira Gio Apr 25, 2013 12:30 pm

Italy: Video Interview with Marco Mengoni (2013)

L'Essenziale, co-written by Roberto Casalino, Francesco De Benedettis and Marco Mengoni, the latter of which also offers the vocal prowess will be representing Italy at the upcoming edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. This is one of the most popular tracks in the nation at the moment, having won the Sanremo competition and ranking at number #1 on the singles chart for more than a month. In recent weeks, he has been to several television and radio broadcasters in Italy promoting both the single as well as the sophomore album entitled #PRONTOACORRERE but he made time to attend the Eurovision In Concert within The Netherlands where fans and media alike swarmed him as one of the favourites in this years' international showcase.

Eric Lehmann, President of OGAE Luxembourg and one of the several collaborators of Radio International and had the opportunity to speak to the renowned artists about his upcoming participation and the manner in which the fans have taken a like to his entry as well as charming appearance. L'Essenziale is currently predicted to finish in seventh place according to the Bookmakers but several polls are ranking it within the top five and considering that Italy will most likely have the backing of the professional jury, it will all boil down to the size of his European fanbase. Marco Mengoni rose to fame after winning the X Factor a couple of years back, followed by a second runner-up finish at Sanremo and of course, his victory in the same aforementioned competition this year. Stay tuned to for all of the latest news as soon as it becomes available.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Gio Apr 25, 2013 3:12 pm

Eurovision: ‘Big Five’ have done their homework …but is it enough to secure victory?

One of the few (some might say, the only) rules of the Eurovision Song Contest that works in our favour is automatic qualification to the grand final.

The UK, France, Italy, Spain and Germany or the ‘big five’, share this privilege since they contribute the most financially towards staging the contest. This has provoked criticism that the ‘Big Five’ entries are weaker than those from nations that have to battle through the semi final stages. Not so in 2013. This year, the big Five have done their homework but have any of them done enough to secure victory?

The French performer will sing ‘L’Enfer Et Moi’ or ‘Hell & Me’. Not the most cheery of titles, is it? Apparently the singer is a previous winner of the French version of ‘Pop Idol’ (TV show; ‘Nouvelle Star’). Not my favourite, but as long as vocally speaking she is more ‘Leona Lewis’ than ‘Rylan Clark’, then singing live shouldn’t be an issue.

The Italians have gone for a moody, melodic ballad sung by a guy who will set female hearts across the continent a flutter (and probably one or two male hearts too if I know my Eurovision viewer demographic). If nothing else, he should secure the ‘eye candy’ vote for Italy…

The Spanish entry will be performed by ‘El Sueno de Morfeo’ a trio of Indie-folk-rock iberians featuring a pretty señorita and two guys on guitars with floppy Harry Styles haircuts (though both are old enough to know better, quite frankly). Not sure whether they will trouble the upper eschelons of the scoreboard with their offering, but the “boy/girl band with questionable hair styles” formula certainly worked for Abba.

Germany have picked Dance act ‘Cascada’ to represent them with an up-tempo dance track. I suspect the performance will probably feature more wind machines/pyrotechnics/dry ice on-stage than the rest of the contest put together. If the UK is struggling to win votes on the night, it will be perfectly acceptable to cheer on Germany as well, since the statuesque lead singer has British ancestral roots. Given our recent track record at Eurovision it would seem prudent, if not altogether patriotic, to identify another song to back at the bookmakers!

The last of the Big Five is the United Kingdom. The UK has pulled out all the stops (well ok, maybe not all) by selecting an international star to fly our Eurovision flag. The husky tones of Bonnie Tyler will grace the stage in Sweden with the power ballad ‘Believe in me’. Will a catchy chorus, a European fan base and the sight of Bonnie poured in to a pair of appropriately tight leather trousers for a woman of her years, see her finish in the top half of the scoreboard? After Englebert’s 25th place last year, let’s hope we will be Holding Out For a Hero (not a Zero) on the night.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Gio Apr 25, 2013 3:48 pm

Marco Mengoni: „Castingstars sollten nicht diskriminiert werden“

Was Plattenverkäufe angeht, ist er einer der größten Stars, der sich beim „Eurovision In Concert“ in Amsterdam ein Stelldichein gab: Marco Mengoni. Wir hatten 5 Minuten mit dem eher schüchtern wirkenden 24-Jährigen und sprachen über Sanremo und das Leben als allseits angehimmelter Castingstar.

Marco ist umlagert, wir kommen erst an ihn ran, nachdem die Serbinnen von Moje3 ihn nach einem Privatinterview mit Anfassen freigegeben hatten. Schnell wird klar, Marcos Englisch ist praktisch nonexistente, er wird begleitet von einer freundlich-resoluten Dame seines Managements, die für ihn dolmetscht und einen kopierten Lebenslauf austeilt.

Als wir anfangen, rauscht Krista Sigfrieds mit ihrem Anhang lautstark an uns vorbei. „Oh oh, oh oh oh, ding dong“

PrinzBlog: Wirst Du eine ähnliche Show in Malmö bringen?

Marco: (lacht) Wie die verrückten finnischen Mädchen? Genauso.

Was ist denn für die Bühnenpräsentation geplant? Wirst Du wie in Sanremo auftreten?

Marco: Beim Sanremo-Festival gibt es nur den Sänger und das Mikrofon im Theater, beim ESC geht es oft auch noch um anderes. Ich werde aber in Malmö wie in Sanremo alleine auf der Bühne stehen und die Musik sprechen lassen. Keine Tänzer. Keine Backingsinger. Nur ich und „L’essenziale“

Wer hat „L’essenziale“ für den ESC ausgewählt?

Marco: Ich und mein Team. Wir halten es für die beste Wahl, Italien zu vertreten.

Was gefällt Dir denn persönlich besser – ‘L’essenziale’ oder ‘Credimi ancora’? (Sanremo-Beitrag von 2010, der eingängiger und schneller ist)

Die Managementkraft/Dolmetscherin lacht.

Marco: Ich stehe gerade an einem sehr wichtigen Punkt in meinem Leben. „L’essenziale“ ist ein Ausdruck dessen und passt daher gut. „Credimi ancora“ war 2010, das war ein anderer Zeitpunkt in meiner Karriere (er hatte gerade X Factor Italia gewonnen) und steht für eine andere Zeit. Ich habe mich von „Credimi ancora“ zu „L’essenziale“ deutlich weiter entwickelt, daher passt der neuer Song viel besser zu mir und zum ESC.

Du hast Dich beklagt, dass es Vorurteile in Sanremo gegen Castingstars gibt – die Fachjury im Festival hat Dich zunächst nur auf Rang 6 gesetzt und die Spaßtruppe von Elio e le storie tese als Gewinner gesehen. Warum gibt es diese Vorurteile?

Marco: Darüber wurde viel gesprochen. Wenn man Künstler beurteilt, sollte man das nach der Qualität ihrer Musik tun und nicht über ihren Weg zur Musik. Leider gibt es diese Diskriminierung in Italien, sie sollte aber nicht existieren. Für mich zählt die Meinung des Publikums viel mehr als die der Kritiker. Ich schaue daher nach vorne und gehe meinen Weg.

Kannst Du Dir vorstellen, als Juror bei einer Castingshow zu agieren, so wie Raffaella Carra gerade bei „The Voice of Italy“?

Marco: Nein, nein, dafür ist es noch definitiv zu früh in meiner Karriere. Um junge Künstler richtig zu beurteilen, braucht man eine Menge an Erfahrung, so weit bin ich noch nicht, aber ich würde es nicht ausschließen, vielleicht in vier oder fünf Jahren?

Letzte Frage, die häufigste Frage unserer Leser…

Marco: Ja?

Bist Du Single und wenn ja, warum?

Marco: (lacht) Ja, ich bin Single, aber das liegt gewissermaßen am Job. Das heißt nicht, dass ich mich nicht binden will, sondern dass ich zurzeit so beschäftigt bin mit Tourneen und Promotion. Da treffe ich zwar viele Leute, aber ich habe keine Zeit, jemand richtig kennenzulernen. Mal sehen, vielleicht beim Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö… (grinst)… dann lerne ich vielleicht auch richtig Englisch.

Vielen Dank und In bocca al lupo für Malmö!
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Messaggio Da Deianira Lun Apr 29, 2013 8:06 pm


Marco Mengoni has released the second single/video from the #1 album #prontoacorrere. Following the ballad and Eurovision 2013 entry and Sanremo 2013 winner L'Essenziale it's the uptempo title track, Pronto a correre, co-written by Take That's Mark Owen. Enjoy! (There's also the English version Put the light on....) Great stuff!
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Messaggio Da Ospite Lun Apr 29, 2013 9:36 pm

Exclusive; Marco Mengoni speaks to escNorge!
Kategori: In English
Publisert mandag 29. april 2013 21:08
Skrevet av Wivian R. Kristiansen

With just over a week to go before heading to Malmö, the Italian representative, Marco Mengoni, took time out of his very tight schedule to have a chat with us.

Wiv; Marco Mengoni is a brand new name to most Norwegians. Could you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your musical background and your career?
Marco; My career started when I was 16. I first attended Jazz stages, then I performed with rock and pop bands and then I participated in XFactor. That gave me the opportunity to performe in front of the widest audience possible. And in February this year I won the San Remo Festival with "L'essenziale"...and in few days I'll take part in Eurovision Song Contest with this song!
Wiv; In addition to performing the song, you are also one of the composers of "L'essenziale". What does composing mean to you?

Marco; I love composing, it's a part of my work that I love very much and I think my way of writing is improving together with my growing. I love singing words I wrote, and I feel "comfortable" as the lyrics depicts exactly who I am. In the same way L'essenziale perfectly represents me. I have worked with important lyricists, such as Toby Gad and Mark Owen (Take That), on my last CD, #prontoacorrere.
Wiv; How will you describe "L'essenziale"?
Marco; It's a ballad and it's really Italian. "L'essenziale" (the essential) hopes for a going back to essentiality, to face new dreams and get over difficulties. The song carries a strong hope message to overcome this moment of crisis.

Wiv; The video for "L'essenziale", in which you star, is at the same time both simple and intriguing. What was the idea behind it?
Marco; It was shot in a easy and plain way...essential I would represent once more the song, even through images. And yes, I act in the "L'essenziale" video.
Wiv; What kind of people do you think your song will appeal to?
Marco; To everyone! The message is universal, it does not refer to a specific audience and I love thinking that through Eurovision it reaches so many people.
Wiv; In addition to working solo you have also been part of several bands. Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?
Marco; When I perform live, that's what I love most, on stage with me there's my band...3 guys, same age, who I love working with. It happens sometimes that we do some jam sessions even without an audience, just for the 4 of us. Moreover I would say that I always perform with what I call 50%: my audience, I'm never alone on stage.
Wiv; In Eurovision Song Contest the participants are free to sing in whatever language they want, and many countries choose to sing in English instead of in their native language. What made you decide to keep "L'essenziale" in Italian?
Marco; I decided to perform in Italian as L'essenziale was first composed in Italian, and because this seems to me the best way to pay tribute to my country. On my last CD I also sing in English and many times I did it in the past. I think controversy on languages is almost useless as we are talking about music and emotions.

Wiv; Have you heard any of the other entries in the contest?

Marco; I listened to many songs and saw some performances in Amsterdam and I can't wait to perform together with authors and singers sometimes so far from me...I'm really excited to se all performances on stage in Malmo.
Wiv; Most people in Italy don't know much about Eurovision Song Contest. Raphael Gualazzi, your 2011 representative, told us he hadn't even heard about the contest until RAI selected him as their participant. How about you; Are you familiar with Eurovision, and if so, what are your feelings regarding the contest?
Marco; In Italy is not that popular an event because Italy missed it for so many years. I like being part of the Eurovision coming back to Italy. As my participation was confirmed I soon phoned some friends in Spain and their crazy reaction made me conscious I was to face a really important event, an international prestigious contest...I'm a little scared but thrilled at the same time.
Wiv; What music do you listen to when you want to relax and enjoy? And which artists inspire you?
Marco; Since we spoke about it (in Amsterdam) I can't but say...David Bowie! A true icon for me.
I love listening to the music, any kind, I'm almost "omnivorous" when we talk about music.

Wiv; Apart from preparing for the Eurovision Song Contest, what are your plans for the near future? Perhaps a tour? And if so; will it include Norway (Oslo)?
Marco; My tour will kick off on May, 8th in Milan and it will continue after Eurovision as well. About performing in Oslo...that would be great! But I prefer going on with small steps...Malmö is my first relevant experience abroad.
Wiv; When you are not singing and composing, what does your life look like?
Marco; I love reading, going to concerts, the theatre and travelling...If I have to describe my life at the present moment it's focused on tour rehearsals and promo events.
Wiv; Thanks a lot for taking the time to talk to us; we greatly appreciate it. All of us at escNorge wish you the best in Eurovision, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you in Malmö!
Marco; Great meeting you in Amsterdam...and I can't wait to be on stage in Malmö and to live the ESC atmosphere. Most important: Listen to the sound!

You may follow Marco on twitter and facebook.
If you wish to show your support for Marco on your own facebook or other social media, you can do that by getting this banner (from or the minipop icon (minipopicons).


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Messaggio Da Deianira Mar Apr 30, 2013 2:31 pm

Marco Mengoni: "Verrücktheit bedeutet Frieden"

Um kaum einen Künstler scharen sich so viele Journalisten, Blogger und Fans, wie um den Singer-Songwriter Marco Mengoni beim Amsterdamer Event Eurovision in Concert. In den knappen Minuten, in denen der Italiener im Mittags-Schluffi-Look mit spricht, stellt er eines klar: Den verrückten König von einst gibt es nicht mehr, nur noch den Verrückten, der Italiens Einstellung zum Song Contest ändern und Europa Hoffnung geben möchte.

Stammt dein Beitrag vom re matto, dem verrückten König, wie du dich vor Jahren einmal parallel zum gleichnamigen Album genannt hast?

Marco Mengoni: Der König ist tot. Der Verrückte ist hier. Verrücktheit - das bedeutet Frieden.

Beschreibe deinen Song, du hast ihn selbst komponiert.

Mengoni: Er handelt im Allgemeinen von all den Dingen, die in einer Beziehung vorkommen. Nicht nur zwischen Liebenden, sondern überhaupt zwischen Menschen. Eine sehr starke Zeile aus dem Song ist "Während die Welt in Stücke zerfällt, schaffe ich einen neuen Raum". Ein neuer Raum im Sinne von Hoffnung, das Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Das ist auch jetzt besonders, wo es in Europa, speziell in Italien, keine leichten Zeiten sind, es ist eine harte Periode. Das einzige, was uns retten kann: die Hoffnung. Davon gibt es gerade wenig. Und das sage ich aus der Perspektive der jungen Leute, ich bin 24 Jahre alt.

Du hast "L'essenziale" nicht für den Song Contest geschrieben, das ist dein Siegertitel von Sanremo.

Mengoni: Genau, aber auch für das Festival von Sanremo habe ich den auch nicht geschrieben, sondern für mein neues Album, mit dem ich derzeit auf Tour bin. In Italien und beim Festival ist das Lied glücklicherweise sehr gut aufgenommen worden. Und dann hat man mir für den Eurovision Song Contest gesagt, "Ok Marco, du kannst da mit "L'essenziale" hin."

Hat es es dich sehr überrascht, zum Song Contest entsandt zu werden?

Mengoni: In Italien wird der ESC gar nicht viel geguckt, ist nicht populär. Zudem waren wir 14 Jahre nicht dabei, erst seit drei Jahren wieder. Unmittelbar nachdem ich die Nachricht erhalten hatte, dass ich zum Song Contest soll, habe ich bei ein paar italienischen Freunden in Spanien angerufen, die schon lange dort leben. Die sind fast ausgeflippt, "Was? Zur Eurovision? Toll! Das ist eine fantastische Sache!", riefen sie. Ich wusste das nicht. Offensichtlich wird der Wettbewerb in ganz Europa anders wahrgenommen, als bei uns. Ich weiß nicht, warum wir Italiener in dieser Hinsicht so beschränkt sind.

Du hast es in der Hand, daran in Malmö etwas zu ändern...

Mengoni: Ja, genau! Ich hoffe, dass sich diese Haltung bald ändert.

Und mit welchem Platz willst du das schaffen, wo soll deine Komposition "L'essenziale" landen?

Mengoni: Auf dem Platz, den sie verdient (lacht).

Die Fragen stellte Patricia Batlle,,+Eurovision&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#
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Messaggio Da Ospite Mer Mag 01, 2013 3:31 pm

Marco Mengoni: L'essenziale brings a message of hope

Interviews, Italy, News, Sweden 2013 01 May 2013

Next stop in our series of Eurovision 2013 participants' interviews is Milan, Italy where we meet 24 year-old Marco Mengoni. Marco will perform L'essenziale at the Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final on 18 May. Marco was selected by RAI, the Italian national broadcaster, to fly the Italian flag in Malmö.

1. What does it mean to you to represent Italy at the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest? How do you feel being the Italian ambassador in this European musical extravaganza?

I’m 24 and it’s a huge responsibility to represent my country. I decided to honour this decision at my best with a true Italian song: it’s composed by me and other Italian authors, I sing in Italian and it’s about the hard moment my country is going through and about the hope I see at the end of his period going back to real values.

I’m training for Eurovision to do my best performance on stage...and after the Eurovision in concert in Amsterdam I can’t wait to be part of this multicultural event and to experience this international occurrence.

2. How has your life changed since you won the 2013 Sanremo Song Contest?

I’ve never stopped! On 19 March my brand new album #prontoacorrere was released, L’essenziale is part of it, on 8 May the tour will kick off in Italy, then I’ll fly to Malmö for the Eurovision Song Contest and after that, back again for other live dates. I’m managing among rehearsals and promotional events so I’ve never really realized what has happened, nevertheless I’m truly happy. This project (#Prontoacorrere) has received the best welcome possible, I can’t be but happy and satisfied. And now I am going to have my music presented and exposed to an international audience.

3. What do you know about the Eurovision Song Contest? Have you ever followed it? Italy was absent from the contest for 13 years and returned in 2011. Are the young Italians familiar with the contest? Do they know about it? How popular is it in Italy?

I didn’t know much about the Eurovision Song Contest before Raphael (Gualazzi, ed.) took part in it, mostly because Italy missed it for such a long time, I believe almost 14 years.

As my attendance was confirmed I rang some friends in Spain and their enthusiasm and joy helped me understand once more and confirm that I’ll be taking part in a unique event.

I can attest that the interest has grown in these years and I like also being part of this process.

4. Why did you choose your Sanremo winning entry L’essenziale for Malmö ?

It’s true. It takes a while to choose the entry for Eurovision. It’s been a truly creative period and as I released an album with 15 brand new tracks … it was not that easy to choose. But at the end the proper entry seemed L’essenziale: because of it being so Italian, the song has been so successful initally, so it seemed the best entry for my first international appearance. And I won Sanremo thanks to L’essenziale: it’s like my Italian audience told me to go on with the song and perform it at Eurovision.

5. What is L’essenziale about? What’s the story behind your song and what message does it carry?

L’essenziale is about the necessity to go back to essentiality, to open to new emotions and to overcome the difficulties of these days. It’s about relations of all sort, not only love, and about the urgency to free people from the superstructures and the general crisis, L’essenziale brings a message of hope: "As the world falls to pieces / I compose new spaces"

6. Do you feel any pressure regarding your forthcoming Eurovision participation as you have already won the Sanremo Song Festival and there are high expectations in Italy?

I’m not thinking about it, as I’ve never thought I won Sanremo. It’s an honor to represent Italy on such a stage. I’d like to take on stage with me my whole country or, at least, part of it. I believe we’ll all work to get the best result for Italy in such a unique event.

7. How will you be staging your entry in Malmö? Will it be similar to your Sanremo performance?

I’ll go on the path I first walk in Sanremo: my performance will be essential so to reflect once more the meaning of L’essenziale and amplify its message.

8. Will you record your Eurovision entry in any other language? English?

Not at the moment, L’essenziale was composed in Italian and so it will stay like this. I really like singing in English, I did it in the past and in #prontoacorrere too

9. Have you spoken to any of the former Italian Eurovision representatives? Raphael Gualazzi ? Nina Zilli? Etc… Have they given you any advice?

No, unfortunately I had no time to discuss with them but I heard their stories about their Eurovision experience and I believe that it will be a wonderful experience. I’ll be on the same stage together with important European singers and Eurovision Song Contest has millions of TV viewers…I’ll do mi best! And I’m really excited!

10. How is Marco behind the scenes? How do you spend your time when you are not on stage or performing?
At the moment…I do not know! I’m recording and busy rehearsing for my tour and for Eurovision. I love reading, going to theatre and travelling…but in this period I’m happy to say that I'm focused on this new project and I prefer to concentrate on it.

11. Have you heard any of the other participating entries at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest? Do you have any favourites? Who do you think could be your rivals?

Unfortunately I haven't had time to listen to all of them Amsterdam I heard the Greek song and the French one that I liked very much. I’ll tell you in Malmö, when I get in touch with all of them

12. You are enjoying much success in Italy with your latest album #prontoacorrere. Are there any plans of releasing it overseas?

At the moment I’m focused on Italy … but never say never! Considering Eurovision is a truly important international opportunity…and I hope I’ll be lucky!

13. Do you have a message for readers and your fans in Europe?

I can’t wait to be on stage in Malmö. and…..Listen to the sound! Rassegna web internazionale - Pagina 3 394737 would like to thank Marco Mengoni for this interview and wish him and Italy the best of luck at the Eurovision Song Contest.


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Messaggio Da Deianira Gio Mag 02, 2013 11:29 pm

The Big Review (37) Italy

Since their return in 2011, Italy have injected class into Eurovision and that tread continues in 2013. This year they've sent the actual winner of San Remo, Marco Mengoni with the gentle ballad "L'essenziale". This is a good song, Marco has a great voice and oozes charisma. Like Georgia, if the voters go for a ballad, this could do it. If they win, I just hope that the Italians will be a little more organised in 2014 than they were in 1991!
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Messaggio Da Deianira Sab Mag 04, 2013 5:20 pm


Yes, you read right. While the other artists are getting ready to leave for Malmö or arriving already, Italian represent Marco Mengoni kicks of his tour tomorrow night in Civitanova Marche (MC) in Teatro Rossini at 21.30. He has been in town for several days already prepairing for the event and hunted by fans that try to get a glimpse of him around his hotel or the concert venue. The concert has been sold out for ages and fans have been trying to get hold of the track list but all is kept top secret until the live event. Mengoni had to send a message to the fans waiting outside doors: ""Marco prega l’esercito di non rovinarsi la sorpresa del concerto sostando in prossimità del teatro. Ps: Baci a tutti" (Marco asks the fan army not to hang around the venue and spoil the surprise of the concert for themselves. Ps. Kisses to all).
On Wednesday May 8 he will continue the tour in sould out Milan's Teatro Degli Arcimboldi before finally travelling to Malmö 2013 where his first rehearse will take place on on Sunday.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Ven Mag 10, 2013 2:36 pm


Marco Mengoni, still busy in Italy instead of Malmö for his concerts and appearances has stated that he will represent the country that is synonymous for the elegance, Italy. Therefor he will be very elegant in Malmö 2013 for his country. Good. Not sure if this blogger appreciated the look he was sporting last this week for his concerts. But with good news come also bad news: apparently Marco is suffering some throat problems popping antibiotics for weeks now and it's not getting any better.... Let's hope for the best! Meanwhile watch him perform Pronto a correre in the Voice of Italy here. Watch some Youtubes from his concert in Milan on wednesday night here. He surely knows how to work the audience! Can't wait for his first rehearsal on Sunday!
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Messaggio Da Deianira Sab Mag 11, 2013 11:58 am


Rassegna web internazionale - Pagina 3 Marco+mengoni+l%27essenziale

This is fantastic! If Marco Mengoni will perform this smiley and overjoyed version of his entry L'Essenziale in Malmö 2013 Eurovision and is looking at the camera this loving way he will surely give something to think about to the other contestants and send the superfavorites to do some soul searching! Fabulous! Italy is in game! (Note, it starts around 6 minutes!)
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Messaggio Da ariadne Sab Mag 11, 2013 2:13 pm


Rassegna web internazionale - Pagina 3 Marco+mengoni+l%27essenziale

This is fantastic! If Marco Mengoni will perform this smiley and overjoyed version of his entry L'Essenziale in Malmö 2013 Eurovision and is looking at the camera this loving way he will surely give something to think about to the other contestants and send the superfavorites to do some soul searching! Fabulous! Italy is in game! (Note, it starts around 6 minutes!)
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 3:08 pm

Italy brings its essence to Malmö

Malmö, Sweden -

The last of the finalists to made its first rehearsal today was Italy. Marco Mengoni, the reigning Sanremo champion, arrived quiet and looking forward getting his first contact with the stage of the Malmö Arena.

"I haven't seen the stage yet, I really want to!" were the first words that the Italian performer, Marco Mengoni, told us upon his arrival backstage in the Malmö Arena. "But already here in the green room is huge!"

Marco seemed quite relaxed hanging out with his delegation: "nervous? no, i'm not nervous, I'm sleepy". Only last night he took part in a live concert in Milan as part of the tight schedule that has followed his victory at the popular Italian Festival di Sanremo.

The singer is all alone on stage, the song doesn't feature any backing vocals, fitting the spirit of the song title L'Essenziale (the essential) and all the focus is on Marco. "I can already feel that the organisation is perfect, it feels relaxing in here".

Do you like the Italian entry L'Essenziale?
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 3:16 pm


One of the most underated songs this year is the Italian entry for me. Marco Mengoni proudly represents Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 final.

Great vocals great looks great song (although old fashioned for some). It shouts Italy 2014 (we cannot predict the city exactly). The stage is full with blue colors and there are extra yellow lights towards the audience. Marco is dressed casual wearing a hat. He is looking very hot and he is very powerful in his performance.

When you see it in your screens you will understand why we don’t have anything negative for this entry. Go Italy, go!


Cosa ci è piaciuto:
Grande voce, ottimo aspetto, ottima canzone (anche se sembra un po’ old-style). Tutto fa sperare in un “Italy 2014″ (anche se non possiamo prevedere la città). Il palco è blu e ci sono alcune luci gialle. Marco è vestito casual. Il complesso trasmette molta energia.

Cosa non ci è piaciuto:
Quando la vedrete sugli schermi televisivi, capirete che non c’è nulla di negativo in questa esibizione. Forza Marco!

Ultima modifica di Deianira il Dom Mag 12, 2013 3:21 pm - modificato 1 volta.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 3:18 pm

Eurovision 2013: Day Seven of Rehearsals - LIVE

A beautiful song which definitely sends many weak at the knees. It is a typical Italian ballad and in todays' rehearsal, Marco was clearly tired and suffering from jetlag having given a concert in Milan, last night. As a matter of fact, he attended the rehearsals, wearing sweatpants, a white print shirt, a black leather jacket and a hat. The staging is kept dark and simple throughout the song as seen in the Sanremo competition earlier on this year. The vocals were amazing and everything is just coming across together so well. I just cannot imagine this being outside of the top five. Shoudl this come after a frantic number as I suspect, it will surely gain a lot of votes, both from jury and the public.


Una bella canzone. E’ una tipica ballad italiana. Marco è sembrato un po’ stanco, dopo il viaggio in aereo e il concerto di ieri a Milano. Infatti, ha partecipato alle prove vestito in maniera molto casual. L’esibizione è semplice come quella del Festival di Sanremo. La voce è fenomenale e tutto ha funzionato molto bene. Non possiamo immaginare questa canzone fuori dalla top5. Questa canzone guadagnerà un sacco di voti, sia dalle giurie di qualità che dal pubblico.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 3:30 pm

ESC 2013 MALMÖ - DAY 7

Locally the biggest star comes from Italy where Marco Mengoni is the hottest thing on earth right now and his army of fans, esercito is ferocius and determined that he will do well.

ITALY - Marco Mengoni - L'Essenziale

Essential indeed. It seems Italy has no staging, no backdrop but the basic blue, Mengoni does nothing but stands by the microphone and belts out his song (and his Ferragamo suit for the final) And you know, I think it's all that is needed. One should just sit back and listen and let him deliver. If placed in the final between likes of Romania, Finland and Azerbaijan, it will stand out even more. This culminates the idea of this Eurovision 2013 here in Malmö; didn't they want to downscale it and bring the focus back in music? This is it. And Italy should win for that reason alone. But they also have clearly one of the best songs and artists in the competition so I repeat. Italy should win. Period.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 3:51 pm

Eurovision 2013: May 12 Rehearsals

Posted by Daniel

It was a shorter day for press and punters but an intriguing one: our first sighting of the automatic qualifiers. Spain’s ESDM have a nice blue and gold backdrop. There’s a nice blurry opening and a nice bit near the end on the satellite stage: the nice arena lamps have been lowered, and Raquel nicely touches one, turning it to the yellow colour of her nice dress. So yes, it’s all very nice in a way that may have rather little impact. Having said which, there’s nothing wrong with the way it’s being staged.

Meanwhile, France’s Amandine Bourgeois rocks out for her performance of ‘L’Enfer et Moi’ though the gold staging is a little light for me given the brooding subject matter. It’s a very French take on Eurovision: we’ll do our own thing; you can take it or leave it. There will be a lot of positive reviews for Amadine this week, and whilst I think she’s great too and juries will agree, it’s debatable how much that will translate into televotes, especially if stuck in the first half of the draw, which now has a 60% chance of happening.

I think Germany’s ‘Glorious’ will be getting plenty of televotes based on this rehearsal. The staging is as in the national final, only the dress is different – a more flattering gold number here. Natalie starts atop a flight of stairs which she descends after the second chorus. For the climax she strides down the catwalk with more conviction than anyone else I’ve seen so far this week, and she’s only going through the motions.

They’re using the version of the song that was revealed at the Echo Awards show, which means that the verses have been cut in half, but they’ve kept the totality of the choruses and bridge, which is the right decision. It does mean we get to that chorus damned quick, but a pretty powerful affair it is, with Natalie vocally excellent and harmonising well with the two backing singers.

Sweden’s Robin Stjernberg has gone all Japanese in his styling with an asymmetrical white apron, grey top and trousers. The backing group look like they’re at an Issey Miyake show too. Against a red backdrop it’s not a visual feast, and I’m not a particular fan of the new feature which looks like a molehill. Whilst Robin was yodelling his way through it pretty effectively, it’s still a grower rather than a show-er for me.

Bonnie Tyler was perfectly competent for the first UK rehearsal and they’ve got the staging right here. She starts out on her own, then interacts with her band – three guitarists and the keyboard player were doubling up as backing singers, and there’s a drummer too.

Towards the climax of ‘Believe In Me’ Bonnie uses the catwalk and the satellite stage rises up at the end. The only disappointment was a lack of pyros at any point. The vocals sounded fine – Bonnie’s in better shape than Engelbert in this respect – and she worked the stage well. Overall, this was much better than I expected.

Italy’s Marco Mengoni is ill at present so we shouldn’t judge his vocals too much based on these run-throughs (they were relatively fine anyway). The staging here was very low-key, another one to opt for blue and gold. Marco is the male equivalent of Anouk, singing in his own determinedly casual way. He used the catwalk for the climax in the third and fourth run-throughs. I’d rather wait until Marco is at his best to judge this.

Let us know what you think of today’s rehearsals below. Who was your best of the ‘Big 6′?
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 4:08 pm

Quintessentially Italian

Oh, Marco. We gaze into those bedazzling brown eyes of yours and we’re in love. But now is not the time to belittle this song with our ramblings on how insanely good looking the artist is. Because the Italians have once again dispatched three minutes of pure class on to the Eurovision stage and for that we’re very grateful. Ok, we might wanna go back to Marco’s good looks, but more on that later.

Musically, Italy plays in a league of their own. For the third year running they turn up with a number that, pardon our English, shits on most of their competitors. Like the jazzy Gualazzi and the zesty Zilli, Marco Mengoni oozes of style, and from the first cord strikes we instantly know that this is high quality stuff we can just lean back and enjoy.

Some fear that it will come off as too groomed, claiming it lacks that certain something to make an impact on the big night. Our response to this is M A R C O, and to ever so humbly point out that one must be either blind, deaf or six feet under not to take notice of this man’s radiant and insisting presence, not to mention his outstanding talent. Make no mistake, the song itself has qualities aplenty to make it stand out on its own right, but our guess is that Marco’s performance will lift it to yet another level. He delivers the poetic lyrics with such sincerity and profoundness, even peeps not knowing Italian can identify with every single phrase. The sensitivity in his sexy voice is bound to cause major heart meltdown from Baku to Dublin setting the phone lines on fire. When the less accessible Raphaele Gualazzi could win the jury vote and finish second in a year with no runaway favorites, we can’t see why not Marco could take it one notch further.

We would be positively gutted if it turns out this dashing young man has dived in too deep and does not manage to keep his head above water when it comes to the crunch. After all it’s easier to bob around in the lukewarm Mediterranean with a stunner of a song, than to bask around in arctic conditions like our Icelandic Viking does with a song more on the average side of the scale. We’d love to see Marco effortlessly cool behind a grand piano, but we hope he realizes it takes a certain amount of effort to sell even the best of songs.

Italy will always have a special place in our hearts for a million of different reasons. If we’re Rome bound next May we wouldn’t mind one single bit.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 4:16 pm

Italy – Marco Mengoni takes to the Eurovision stage for his First Rehearsal

Marco Mengoni has taken to the stage for his first rehearsal at Eurovision 2013

Garrett’s View

Marco – despite the untrue rumors of being ill – is in perfect vocal form. Dressed casually in baggy trousers and a leather jacket and looking reminiscent of Turkey’s entrant from 2012 – Can Bonomo – this look would still look highly impressive on camera but I am guessing tat Marco will revert to his 60′s slim fit suit for the live performance.

What I adore about this performance is the pure simplicity of the act. Marco is on his own, a simple blue backdrop and some soft warm yellow spotlights is all that is used and in my opinion is all that os required.

You can see that Marco is not fully happy with the earpiece audio link that he is receiving as of yet – but that will be easily sorted. This is simply stunning and will score highly with the Juries and the public. This is a strong contender

Elaine’s view

Let’s get the most important bit out of the way – Marco is what they call in Scotland “Proper Gorge!!!!!!!” Looks fantastic and his voice sends you to your happy place. His eyes almost melt into the camera and he is a truly great performer and professional.

The song is a beautiful gentle ballad that builds and builds as it goes on. Another simple staging, dark blue backdrop with yellow lights. Casually dressed he looks almost effortless but it a good way. This song will do well in the final. Should definitely be in the top 10 and good chance of top 5.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 4:31 pm

ITALY – Marco Mengoni - L’essenziale

Marco also did not dress up for this rehearsal. We were told that he isn’t feeling well and therefore is unable to attend the Meet & Greet with the press. His staging appears to be rather simple. It’s Marco and Marco only standing in the Center onstage which is all in blue (later on with some yellow lights). There are no images or effects whatsoever. It remains to be seen if they’ll add something during the second rehearsal. There are no gimmicks but despite him being sick, he’s vocally giving his all.
MATT: People will love it for keeping it simple or be bored to death. I guess we’ll have to wait for the second rehearsal to give a fair assessment of his performance. At this point it’s quite anti-climatic.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 4:33 pm

Italy: Great Vocals, Decent Staging

Marco Mengoni had very good vocals as he did the first run through for Italy earlier. However the staging doesn’t see him doing much at all, he seems fixed to the spot and doesn’t seem to move around much from what the clip shows. It may be elegant, but can it capture Europe?
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Messaggio Da Levnicolaievic Dom Mag 12, 2013 5:18 pm

Yes,.... it can Rassegna web internazionale - Pagina 3 755763 fine O.T.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Dom Mag 12, 2013 9:10 pm

ESC 2013: Comentários ao sétimo dia de ensaios

É impossível não soltar um sorriso quando vemos o vídeo deste primeiro ensaio de Marco Mengoni: as suas calinadas no inglês, a sua forma de estar em palco e a sua simpatia. E tivemos o privilégio de ver a green room! Sou muito suspeita para falar desta canção, porque a acho mesmo muito bonita. Para esta atuação, tinha certezas que não havia necessidade de muito: a presença de Marco e a melodia intimista seriam suficientes para sair daqui uma boa performance. No entanto, sinto que falta qualquer coisa: talvez um cenário mais elaborado, pois apenas tons de azul está simples de mais. Falta vento ou fogo ou fumo, ou qualquer outro elemento que torne esta atuação mais completa.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Lun Mag 13, 2013 2:15 pm

Eurovisión 2013: Italia Presenta al Candidato Más Guapo. ¿Cómo no?

Eurovisión 2013, Malmö, Suecia. Seguimos con nuestros favoritos. Y Marco Mengoni (@mengonimarco) lo es, pero por guapo.

Canción melódica, voz rasgada, videoclip romántico. L'Essenziale lo tiene todo para triunfar en España. Nos gustan los cantantes italianos desde siempre y tenemos muchos precedentes. Y Marco es que no se sale para nada de la pauta. Nos gusta su voz, su estilo y el tema.

Este chico, guapísimo y con talento. Nació un 25 de diciembre, vaya regalo de Navidad. Y enseguida sus padres le apuntaron a clases de canto.

Mucho trabajo duro y muchas clases técnicas después, en 2009 ganó la tercera edición de Factor X de la televisión italiana. Y así empezó su carrera musical, éxito trás éxito. Y tanto ha gustado que ha ganado el Festival de San Remo de este año con L'Essenziale.

Y que más os vamos a contar. De ahí a Malmö directo, con un nuevo reto, ganar el Festival de Eurovisión.Te deseamos mucha suerte Marco. Para Happy FM ya eres un favorito.
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Messaggio Da Deianira Lun Mag 13, 2013 3:13 pm


The Eurovision song contest 2013 is in full swing in sunny Malmö taken over by the butterflies. This morning is calm before the storm after last night's Opening party and before tomorrow's semifinal.....
Last night was the Opening ceremony with red carpet at Malmö Opera house that was a success. Scroll down this blog for exclusive photos. Robert managed to get almost everyone in photos. If some are missing, blame Krista Siegfrids and her Team Ding Dong. He might have been a little distracted by them but got some awesome photos. Another one we were waiting for impatiently and with all his army of fans in Italy was Marco Mengoni. And yes, we got some photos of him, too.
The rehearsals are mainly over. The semifinalists have rehearsed twice and today the First semifinal has it's two dress rehearsals, tomorrow third one and then it's the mometn of truth for them. The Big5+1 will rehearse again on Wednesday morning, and after that the Second semifinals will have their three Dress rehearsals toward the semifinal on Thursday night.
Tomorrow we will place our prediction and it seems to be harder than ever. Some pre-contest favorites haven't been maybe up to the expectations, some I didn't expect much have been very good instead and some performances.... Well, you know! I suspect we might be in for some major surprises, or will it go as predicted after all? You never know until the votes are in! That's the beauty of Eurovision! I have taken the editorial choice this year not to follow the other sites and blogs with the exception of at all so I have no clue what the other are writing, reporting and predicting. I'll have a look when I have time next week! :-)
My Bicyckling Reporter Robert has been continuing his awesome job with indepth interviews with the stars and we've got 15 great interviews already and he hasn't stopped yet. The list and the links to them are on your right hand side panel. Updated as more interviews are posted.
There has been a lot of parties and more to come from San Marino to Nordic to Israel. Belarus once again had maybe the most extravacant one. Our pics and videos by OGAE Italy are here.
Fans have been partying out in EuroClub and EuroCafé and things are happening in EuroVillage as well. It's fun. It's Eurovision. And it isn't over yet! Stay with us!
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